There isn’t anyone from the pre-email age who didn’t battle the hassle of sharing files. In the PC’s infancy, floppy disks had proprietary formats – old Kaypro disks didn’t work with your friend’s Osborne 01 disk drive. Utility applications were sold to allow these drives cross-compatibility, but we didn’t see an early definition of standard formatting until the MS-DOS operating system and its clones consolidated the market and eventually, from this format, USB thumb drives were born.

Apple: AirDrop uses Bluetooth LE or WiFi to determine when another Apple device is nearby for you to send content. Apples to Apples, literally.
Samsung: S Beam uses a back-to-back NFC tap to share over WiFi directly. Slower than we should expect at this point in mobile tech, and again, proprietary. Not much different than Android's clunky built in touch to beam.
Motorola: Power-hungry GPS powers the Droid Zap application, which only works on those Droid mobile phones. This is as bad as bumping.
All of the cloud file services require you send an email invite through their web form or by cutting and pasting a link, and that’s easy if there are two of you, but a pain for coordinating with a larger group.
My family and colleagues struggle unnecessarily with file sharing on a daily basis, so we couldn’t be more proud to announce that today’s launch of NewAer Share renders all of these proprietary services completely obsolete.
NewAer Share enables instant file transfers within a single app for your Android, iPhone or iPad or laptop running Windows or OSX. The app uses ambient WiFi & BlueTooth to automagically open a virtual file folder in the space where you are, allowing uploads or downloads of any file in a board room, coffee shop or even a connected airplane.
It’s time for you to be able to use your family room Android tablet to instantly see the photos taken on your iPhone- without emailing them, posting them to a website or using a tethered cable. iPad to Windows, Nexus to MacBook – we don’t discriminate.
In fact, as we debut Share at fall DEMO 2013, we invite you to download, launch and Share. Enjoy the photos posted, the PDFs and presentations of the demoing presenters and published crowd content.
Please remember you are accountable for your files and anyone in the space you post to can also see them. Future paid versions of our application will enable more users to join a Share and provide security measures to keep nearby parties who are not a part of your group out of the virtual folder. We get better with every bit of feedback so have fun and let us know what you think!
Download Share for your iPhone, Android device or your Mac or Windows laptop today!