Monday, March 14, 2011

Meet us in Austin for SXSW 2011!

Every year in the middle of March, students pack their bags and head to warmer climates. For those in the tech circles, SXSW Interactive draws thousands of social media and Internet affectionados from around the world to Austin Texas, for what I call "geek spring break."

Team NeuAer got to Austin Sunday night and was honored to be a presenter at the Team Android Choice Awards. This event is all about showcasing the best and most innovative Android apps at SXSW. We shared the stage with hometown Austin favorite Gowalla and our own favorite app, Spark. Android has a unique feature over the iPhone called active wallpaper. Typically this is a "live" fish tank or interactive based upon weather, like snow accumulating on the screen when it is snowing. Their unique take on it is a full news, sports and weather screen that integrates with your mobile desktop. Reminds us of Pointcast, a favorite of the 1998 Internet days!

There is a lot to see and many people to meet at SXSW, and we'd love to meet you as well! Reach out to us on our social media connections like @NeuAer or @ToothTag and lets connect in Texas! We will never turn down a BBQ or Shiner request!

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